
Inside the oceanic balcony inside
the grey-walled room inside
the yellow-striped red walls embedded
a horse’s head with three eyes
a trompe l’oeil of sorts to which
the protruding blank space of a head
whispers breeze to the creature without
means to speak from which is only
to say it is at a loss of a mouth
that gathers me think of the abundance
of seeing with three eyes, of much
to describe yet none to whisper back.

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Dabin Jeong (they/she) is a poet and translator from Seoul, South Korea. Their poem won the Chestnut Review's 2021 Stubborn Writer's Contest, selected by Dorothy Chan. Their works appeared or are forthcoming in Up the Staircase Quarterly, Indiana Review, Brooklyn Poets, Chestnut Review, Perhappened mag, and Chogwa zine.